
The City Secret project was inspired through two main sources. The first was recognizing the unstable nature of the agricultural system in the United States. This stems from the realization that citizens are dependent upon large independently owned farms, which in turn depend on oil, government subsidies, and poor agricultural practices. The second source of inspiration for this project comes from the growing stigma in the United States towards farming and other careers in the agricultural industry. It is rare in this day and age to find a young person who is interested in becoming a farmer instead of a fireman or astronaut.

This is where City Secret comes in. We plan to engage youth in gardening and agricultural practice by providing to them a plot in a community garden and workshops focused on giving them the education and inspiration to continue in the field of agriculture. We will give these students the opportunity to learn about the importance of agriculture, emphasizing the value of food security, sustainability, and organic farming or gardening practices.

Our goal is to give the youth who enter our program the education and recourses they need to continue with varying degrees of agricultural practice. This could range from something as simple as starting a garden in their backyards, to using the resources we provide them with to intern or be employed in agricultural business. We hope these students will be inspired to work and educate others on the benefits of sustainable agricultural practices, and return stability to the agricultural system of the United States.

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